Thursday, July 18, 2013

way to remove desktop lockers from RDP servers

Ok from the remote desktop connection window click "options" to show more options and tabs.
Click on the local resources tab and look at the "keyboard" section
it will say something like "apply windows key combonations:" and has a drop down style menu.
Select "on the remote computer" this will allow you to use keyboard shortcuts like alt tab etc on the rdp
Next go to the programs tab.
in the "program path and file name" box type cmd.exe
Connect to the RDP

On connecting the command prompt window will open instead of windows or the locker.
in cmd type "tasklist"
sometimes the list can be long but just look through it for process's like DTLEP.exe which is desktop locker express or Screenblur.exe which is that stupid one with a hand icon lol
once u spotted the lockers process type

taskkill /f /im DTLEP.exe
and it should confirm its killed.
next press CTRL+ALT+END and select task manager
on task manager click File,New,then browse
change the file type to all files and browse to desktop,downloads etc and delete the locker files
then close the browse window so ur back to the new task part and type
explorer or explorer.exe both work

That SHOULD of removed the locker.some are more complicated but most this method will do fine


  1. Thanks a lot. it helped me to solve my problem. By the way, the program name was 139638~1.exe

  2. thanks a lot. in my case the task was winlog~1.exe and the file download was winlogin1.exe.exe

  3. Help me. I have desctop lock exspress on my dedic system with OS Win 7 Professiona. I try write cmd.exe but this console don't start and i don't see cmd console on display.
    When i can delete this locker ?

  4. my doesn't write DTLEP.exe or Screenblur please help me out

  5. Am using a windows 10 OS and the rdp option it's not showing program tab wat can I do pls. Thanks

  6. Am using a windows 10 OS and the rdp option it's not showing program tab wat can I do pls. Thanks

  7. I have the sam problem wirh win10

  8. i did as u said but the cmd did not pop up

  9. not work for me, i follow same , first black screen and then again same screen od desktop lock exp...
    ant other way ?

  10. Best Way to resolve it is ---
    Open MMC and take the remote computer
    create a scheduled task and run with a bat (taskkill /f /im DTLEP.exe) file stored in network folder
    I hope your problem will be solved..

  11. Thanks for the guidance. I rebooted my windows 7 machine in safe mode and found 3 items on the desktop called gammadyne.mailer.41.0, smartserialmail-full and winlogon.exe(27)-copy-copy. I deleted them all, restarted the machine normally and can now logon.

  12. Need Help!
    This program called "Desktop Lock Express" has locked my computer and is asking for password. I do not remember installing this program. Looks like it is a virus/malware. On the side it says register or buy and the link does not work. This program is from and there is no phone support.

    Can you guys help!

  13. i am using server 2008 i am getting same Desktop Lock Express error
    how should i access

  14. Thanks very much. It helps me a lot....good luck

  15. how can i get this to work on my windows 10 since it has no program tab its RDP connector

  16. How to get to bypass Clearlock on win server 2012 R on RDP

  17. Please i need someone to help me remove clear lock from remote desktop 2012 R2 Server

  18. Hi, I just got through this so I will try to help others, all of the above information is good but perhaps no longer enough,,,,
    #1 windows 10 does not have a "Program Tab" anymore, I used an older machine that had older version of Remote Desktop, now when you enter CMD.exe as instructed above it will no longer run, I was thinking this was an upgrade, but with the help of U-Tube I got around that as follows, when cmd.exe says it wont run there is a Help button go from there with the following (> = enter or next) Help>Print>ok>add printer>Network Printer>stop>The printer I want is not listed> type "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe">copy it from there>browse>go up top left IDK what its called but click into that space at the top left (dim before you click into it) but past that path we wrote into there, then click to the right of it so it is not highlighted and >enter or run, this will get you a cmd.exe window and then you can continue with this authors original instructions, I spent about 3 hours by process of elimination finding that this process was named "Backup.exe" bastards picked a good name right, last one I wanted to kill, but then even after I killed it the results did not survive a reboot, bottom line is there was acopy of that file in C:/users/tasks/desktop/backup.exe so that no matter who logged in it was running the file, as soon as I moved it out of there the problem was really solved, Hope this helps someone else as a novice it took me 4 hours to figure this all out

  19. Here is the u-tube that helped me, I understand that there are ways to add the program tab back to windows 10 but I was just happy I did not have to, sorry if you don't have access to an older OS I would try to get to one, In this utube the guy used different commands in the prompt but the bottom line is you don't need them to work you just have to get to that help button so you can ultimately run cmd.exe as explained above, and above when I said I was thinking this was an upgrade I mean an upgrade to security as it appears that MS is trying to block people from running base commands within the Remote Desktop Connection software, hence the removal of the program tab and that cmd.exe will no longer run when entered into older versions that still have the program tab, again bottom line is get in and kill the Backup.exe process but also delete or move it out of c:/users/tasks/desktop/backup.exe too or every time you reboot it will just load up again

  20. The moment I type "tasklist" the cmd stop responding. please how what do I do?

  21. Thank-you for the tips. Here is where I found the malware on my Windows 2012 R2 system:

    Getting rid of these and their related subfolders (1,2,3,4,5) fixed the problem for me.
